How Cryotos CMMS Helps Establish a Hierarchical Asset Structure for Asset Tracking?

Article Written by:

Ganesh Veerappan

Good asset tracking is a must-have for any organization's maintenance management. Physical assets, such as equipment, machinery, and facilities owned by the company, must be updated; This may require regular repair, replacement, or maintenance to ensure they remain in good condition. Asset tracking can help companies keep track of all their physical assets and accurately monitor their usage and requirements.

How Cryotos CMMS Helps Establish a Hierarchical Asset Structure for Asset Tracking?

Organizations looking for a more efficient way to track their assets must be aware of the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). CMMS can help organizations create a well-structured asset hierarchy, making asset tracking easier. Also, using CMMS can help improve maintenance operations, Reduce Downtime, and maximize the lifespan of assets. In this blog post, we discuss how CMMS can help set up an effective asset hierarchy and streamline related operations.

Cryotos CMMS is a robust Computerized Maintenance Management System that makes asset structuring and tracking easier. It has numerous features that facilitate hierarchical organization and regular maintenance operations, ultimately aiding in reducing costs and extending the lifespan of assets. In this blog post, we'll look into the salient features of Cryotos CMMS and the various benefits it can offer organizations.

Table of Contents

What is a Hierarchical Asset Structure?

Asset hierarchy in asset tracking is a structured framework to categorize an organization’s physical assets. Organizations can efficiently track their assets and components by implementing an asset hierarchy. This system allows them to identify the maintenance needs of a given asset and view the relationships between different levels, such as geographical location, system, and subsystems. Additionally, they can track asset performance data and history for improved maintenance operations and decreased downtime. In short, an asset hierarchy is invaluable in streamlining maintenance processes.

When Asset Hierarchy is not followed, it leads to several problems, some of which are listed below.

  • Time-consuming and difficult to locate assets.
  • Inconsistency in asset data.
  • Inefficient maintenance processes due to lack of clarity in asset management.
  • Decreased asset reliability and increased downtime.
  • Difficulty in tracking  and generating asset performance reports.

Steps Involved in Asset Hierarchy

A clear asset hierarchy pattern ensures efficient maintenance of assets, improves asset performance, and generates accurate data and analytics of asset performance, thereby doubling asset reliability. Follow the steps mentioned below to create an asset hierarchy.

Step - 1 - Identify and Categorize Assets

The initial step is identifying and classifying the items needing accurate tracking. Organizations need to demonstrate due diligence when tracking their assets. Proper categorization of all necessary components, such as equipment, facilities, and machinery, is critical to ensure accuracy with asset management.

 For example, when managing maintenance operations for a large manufacturing plant, below would be a way to identify, track and categorize assets.

  • Production equipment includes conveyor belts, packaging machines, and assembly lines.
  • Facility assets include HVAC systems, lighting, and plumbing.
  • Support tools like forklifts, pallet jacks, and hand tools.
  • Vehicles such as delivery trucks, and maintenance vehicles.
  • IT assets that include servers, routers, and other networking equipment.
Step - 2 - Define the Hierarchy Levels

It's important to create a hierarchy for organizing and identifying assets. Depending on the complexity of the environment, this hierarchy could involve levels such as location, system, subsystem, and component. This step will ensure that all assets can be identified quickly and efficiently.

Step - 3 - Assign Unique Identifiers

To ensure proper tracking and maintenance, each asset must be identified with a unique identifier, like a barcode or serial number; This will help streamline the maintenance process and make it easy to locate when needed.

Step - 4 - Map Assets to Hierarchy Levels

Assets should be classified into their proper hierarchical order, which requires cataloging them according to geographic placement, system, subsystem, and entity. Proper mapping of the assets is essential to ensure accurate tracking.

Step - 5 - Establish Relationships

Organizing assets into hierarchical levels is just the start. Maintenance managers should also define relationships between the various assets, enabling them to monitor and track dependencies between components effectively; This will help them ensure asset integrity and performance.

Step - 6 - Record Asset Data

Maintenance teams should diligently track the relevant data of each asset, including its maintenance history, location, and any other crucial details; This will ensure that data is accurately recorded for efficient management.

Step - 7 - Integrate Everything into your CMMS

A CMMS solution can be used to consolidate and organize asset data, track maintenance history, and prioritize tasks to optimize maintenance operations. The Computerized Maintenance Management System software can provide complete visibility into the asset base and associated maintenance activities.

Benefits of using Hierarchical Asset Structure for Asset Tracking

Using hierarchical asset management is highly beneficial to organizations of any size, and they greatly improve maintenance efficiency, reduce downtime, and enhance asset reliability. Below are a few benefits of using this structure.

Accurate Asset Data
Organizing asset information into a hierarchical structure improves accuracy and better management visibility. Asset hierarchy captures maintenance history, performance metrics, and the relationships between assets, allowing organizations to optimize decision-making while minimizing cost and disruption.
Better Resource Allocation
Through a well-thought-out asset hierarchy system, maintenance teams can use their resources more efficiently to save on labor costs and increase operational effectiveness. This approach leads to a greater Return on Investment (ROI) over time.
Reduced Downtime
Asset hierarchy is a powerful tool for preventatively maintaining equipment, reducing the risk of failure, and decreasing downtime; This can be advantageous for organizations that rely on machinery or complex systems.
Improved Asset Reliability
By carefully monitoring and tracking asset data, businesses can reduce the risk of failure and maximize asset performance. Anup-to-date asset hierarchy will ensure consistent maintenance, improving reliability in critical areas.
Better Decision-Making
Asset hierarchy is designed to provide maintenance managers with a detailed overview to make informed, performance-based decisions regarding their assets. It ensures that they have access to data on the relationships between their assets and can be used to measure the effectiveness of their maintenance operations accurately.
Enhanced Safety
Having accurate asset data through an organized hierarchy is critical to guaranteeing safety in our operations. Ensuring that equipment is functioning properly helps to reduce the risk of any hazards. Keeping up with maintenance and developing a clear overview of assets can add an extra layer of protection for employees and visitors.
Improved Maintenance Efficiency
Asset hierarchy is designed to organize and streamline asset management, allowing maintenance teams to locate equipment quickly, understand how the assets are interconnected, and effectively monitor maintenance tasks. This structured approach boosts the overall efficiency of maintenance activities.

How does Cryotos CMMS Help in Establishing an Asset Hierarchy Structure?

Being a highly acclaimed platform, Cryotos CMMS offers powerful asset hierarchy capabilities to assist with asset tracking. Some of the below-mentioned features and functionalities help improve the organization and presentation of assets, allowing users to manage a complex network of equipment easily.

Hierarchical Structure Creation
Cryotos CMMS allows users to create a hierarchical asset structure in a logical and structured manner by defining various levels, such as location, system, subsystem, and components.
Asset Grouping and Categorization
Based on the hierarchy levels, Cryotos makes it easy for organizations to categorize and organize assets according to their dependencies and relationships.
Unique Identifiers and Tagging
Cryotos CMMS helps enable easy tracking and differentiating assets using unique identifiers or tags for each asset; This ensures accurate tracking and recording of asset data.
Real-Time Data Updates
Cryotos CMMS ensures the asset information - the location, maintenance history, and other details - is always accurate and up to date.
Relationships and Dependencies Management
Cryotos CMMS provides a detailed view of how assets are interconnected by  mapping relationships and dependencies among assets; This helps maintenance managers track and understand each asset's maintenance needs.

Overall, Cryotos CMMS leverages and streamlines establishing and maintaining asset hierarchy in asset tracking. It simplifies asset organization, improves accuracy in data collection and analysis, enhances maintenance planning and operations, and improves decision-making for optimizing the performance of assets. By taking advantage of Cryotos asset management systems, companies can ensure their assets run at peak performance.

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